Return Address:

IC Music and Apparel GmbH
Gewerbepark Brünner Str./Bereich A
Brünner Str. 8
04209 Leipzig | Niemcy

Dostawcą usługi jest:

IC Music and Apparel GmbH
Deutscher Platz 4
04103 Leipzig | Niemcy
Należycie reprezentowany przez ich CEO Fabian Kraffczyk, Martin Böttcher

Zarejestrowane biuro: Leipzig
Rejestr handlowy: Sąd miejski w Lipsku
Nr rejestracyjny: HRB 25392
Identyfikator VAT: DE267330102
Telefon: +49 341 499 800 38
Telefax: +49 341 991 878 29


Responsible person for the contents:

Impericon: Fabian Kraffczyk, Martin Böttcher
Facebook: Fabian Kraffczyk, Martin Böttcher
Twitter: Fabian Kraffczyk, Martin Böttcher
Tumblr: Fabian Kraffczyk, Martin Böttcher
Instagram: Fabian Kraffczyk, Martin Böttcher
Google+: Fabian Kraffczyk, Martin Böttcher

Data protection officer: DataCo GmbH, Dachauer Straße 65, DE-80335 München, +49 89 7400 45840,

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This website contains data and information of all kinds that is copyright and/or trademark protected by the service provider or in some cases by third parties. This shall especially apply to texts, images, graphics, audio, video or animation files, including their arrangement on the individual webpages. It is therefore not permitted to download, copy and distribute the website as a whole or in part. What is permitted is the copying for browsing due to technical necessities, unless this serves an economic purpose, as well as permanent copies for private use. Information offered as downloads (brochures, forms, leaflets etc.) may be saved and printed for personal use. The reprint and evaluation of press releases is permitted if the source is stated. Apart from that, all publishing (including online publishing), processing or commercial use of the contents (even partly) shall be permitted only after having obtained permission by us or by the originator/author.

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Linking is permitted, if cross-referencing is the sole purpose. The service provider reserves the right to revoke the permission. Framing of this website is not permitted.

Online Dispute Resolution

Komisja Europejska zapewnia platform? dla alternatywnych metod rozstrzygania sporów online (platforma-OS), jest ona dost?pna pod adresem:


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